Prevents Colon Cancer
The high amount of fiber plus the pectin in apples contribute in preventing colon cancer. This does not only eliminate toxins but also protects lining so that cancer cells would not start to form.
Hinders Development and Progression of Lung Cancer
Smokers and those who have a family history of lung cancer should eat more apples. One of the health benefits of apples is that it strengthens the respiratory system. The flavonoids in this fruit such as quercetin and naringin work against lung cancer.
Regulates Cholesterol Level
Fluctuating cholesterol level is caused by different factors. However, one of the primary reasons why cholesterol may rise is because there are too many LDL in the body. Studies have shown that eating apples will reduce LDL by at least 16 percent. Aside from that, it will also add more good cholesterol in the body. So, maintaining ideal cholesterol level would no longer be such a difficult task.
Prevents Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease is caused by gradual degeneration of the brain cells and weakening of the neurons. Eating at least 1-2 apples per day will prevent the destruction of cells. Hence, even if you grow older the neurotransmitters of your brain would still be in good condition.
There are various ways on how you can enjoy the health benefits of apples. Some prefer to eat it as a snack while others include it in their salad and other dishes. Another great option is to concoct a smoothie which will resolve both hunger and thirst.